
Virtual Poster

Welcome to the Virtual Poster Room, where abstracts and virtual poster videos of contributors are available.

Abstracts and videos of the virtual poster are now available! Scroll down the page

The short video presentations of the virtual posters, shown during the live conference, are included in the playlist below

available hereShort Virtual Poster Playlist
27 May 2021
  • 13.55-14.00 Opening
  • 14.00-14.40 Talk 1: Clara Grazian (Australia)
  • 14.45-15.25 Talk 2: Kaoru Irie (Japan)
  • 15.30-16.10 Talk 3: Stéphanie Van Der Pas (The Netherlands)
  • 16.15-16.55 Talk 4: Atilla Ay (USA)
  • 17.00-17.40 Talk 5: Andrew Holbrook (USA)
  • 17.45-18.35 Contributors
28 May 2021
  • 13.00-13.50 Contributors
  • 14.00-14.40 Talk 6: Paul Wu (Australia)
  • 14.45-15.25 Talk 7: Roi Naveiro (Spain)
  • 15.45-16.25 Talk 8: Andi Wang (UK)
  • 16.30-17.10 Talk 9: Giovanni Rebaudo (USA)
  • 17.15-17.55 Talk 10: Claudia Solis-Lemus (USA)
  • 18.00-18.05 Closing
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